Thursday, November 17, 2011

Random Picture Post

I just wanted to share pics of my makeup from the weekend. The first two are what I wore for Varsity Night. After then I ran to Erik's and coated myself in glitter for our rave. Just a little eyelash glue and glitter and I went from a wearable look to outrageous in 10 minutes.


I thought I'd make a quick post about some basic things I always do when applying makeup.

I always start with my eye makeup. This way if some of my shadow falls onto my cheeks it's easy for me to clean/cover up. I mentioned it before but I also always put powder on my eyelids to soak up any oil. If I use primer I'll put the primer on then put powder in it. That sets the primer and makes it a little easier to blend your colors. Primer on its own can make blending a little tricky.

Once my eyes are done (except for mascara) I'll do whatever needs done to the rest of my face. Powder foundation, blush and eye brows. I save the mascara for last so I don't get powder stuck in it.

I don't always do my lips but when I do I try to use a lip liner. I only have 3 liners- clear (which so far I find completely useless), a pink close to my natural lip color (I use this most often) and a bright red (absolutely necessary when doing red lips). I'll line my lips then fill in some color before putting lipstick over it. I also occasionally use a lip venom and a primer under my lipstick. I got a free sample of lip venom awhile back and it works alright. It burns a bit but does make my lips appear fuller. The lip primer (Urban Decay) works wonderfully. I don't do bright red lips without it.

The biggest bit of advice I can offer is to get a pencil eyeliner and just play around with it. Try out different types of lines and shapes to figure out what works best with your eyes. I do this all the time and I've discovered that I have to do a little bit of a cat eye or my eyes look sad. A little bit of a flip at the end of my eye makes them look more open and happier. Some advice says to not line all the way around your eye to make them look bigger but I've found that I can't pull that off. I just look silly so matter how much I try. So, get a pencil (easy to smudge, remove, etc) and start playing. If you need suggestions you can check out my pics or just Google image search makeup ideas.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Glamour Doll Eyes

I finally got my first order of Glamour Doll Eyes. I haven't had a chance to play with it much but I did do some swatches to show everyone. So far I absolutely love them.

My new shadows plus 2 free samples.

I did these swatches over Urban Decay's Eyeshadow Primer Potion to make the colors pop more.

First row: Tattooed, Mingles, Vigilante, Olivia Green, Blue Ribbon, Lovers Lane
Second row: Veteran, Island Chic, Melancholy, Petticoat, Masquerade, Victorian
Third row: Phyrra, Blueberry Lush, Martini Olive, Chocoholic, Jailhouse Jumpsuit
Last row: Jayne (sample), Dear Mom (sample) Cashed Out!, Steampunk, Circus

Friday, November 11, 2011

Blue and Orange

I tried 2 different looks tonight just for fun. I wanted to try out my new Sugarpill stuff and see how it faired in actual use.


I started both looks by putting some powder foundation around my eyes. I have oily eyelids so I need the powder to absorb the oil and keep my eye shadow from becoming blotchy. 

Then I brushed a bright blue by MAC all over my lid and under my lower lashes. I would tell you the exact color but I don't know the name and I do know they don't sell it anymore *sadface*. It's basically a bright, cerulean matte blue.

Next I brushed my new Sugarpill Royal Sugar over it. This created a bright, sparkly blue. I did it in little dabs because there was a lot of fallout. That's not surprising since it is a loose shadow.

Then I added some black Star Powder by Make Up For Ever. I carefully placed it into the crease of my eyelid and around the outer corner of my eye. Once I felt it was dark enough I got the excess out of my brush and blended the blue and black together a little bit.

Next I used the lighter blue from Sugarpill called Starling in the inner corner of my eye and on my brow bone. I used it to blend out the outer edges of the darker blue to make a softer look.

To finish the look I added some black mascara and used a black pencil eyeliner on the inner edge of my lower lid and a up to my lash line on my upper lid.

And ta-da!!

What I used


I started by lining my eye with Sugarpill's Flamepoint.  I made a cat eye by starting at the lower edge of my eye and lifting the line towards the end of my eyebrow. Then I filled in towards my upper lid.

Next I went over that with orange Star Powder by Make Up For Ever. This made the orange pop and sparkle.

Finally I added black eyeliner to my inner lower lid and black mascara.

What I used

Soon I plan on doing a post about the basics. I have a lot of tricks I use under my makeup to make it all work. With the basics you can always look great.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sugarpill Cosmetics

Sugarpill Cosmetics

Today I got my first order from Sugarpill Cosmetics. I was excited because their site made the colors look brilliant and that's exactly what I want. I wasn't let down. The colors are bright and the sparkly ones are really sparkly. I also got some bonuses in my shipment which was a great touch. I received a free sample of their loose powder Goldilux and a logo sticker. So far I've just tested the colors on my arm so I don't know how they'll be to work with or how well they stay in place. My initial impression is that I'll definitely have to use a primer though.

Dollipop (pink) and Flamepoint (orange)

Monday, November 7, 2011

An Introduction

   I started wearing makeup when I was about 13 years old. Since then I've picked up tips and techniques to improve my skills. I decided to start a blog because I am frequently asked to do makeup or provide ideas to friends. I figured this would be an easy way for me to share what I know and hopefully give people some awesome ideas. I'm sure most of my posts will be makeup looks done on myself so I'd like to forewarn people that just because it looks good on me, doesn't mean it'll look good on you and vice versa. I'm hoping I can provide helpful hints to modify a look to make it your own.

Things that affect your makeup looks

  • Skin tone. Mine is really yellow so that limits some of the colors I can use (yellows and reds make me look jaundiced).
  • Hair color. I never really thought about how my hair color affected my makeup until I died my hair red. Blonde and brunettes probably won't have much of an issue with this.
  • Eye color. I love to play up my eye color and to manipulate what color they appear. Depending on my eyeshadow choices I can make my eyes appear to be a more deep brown, hazel or green. I don't have a lot of experience with blue eyes but I plan on rectifying that.
  • Eye shape. 
  • Skin type.
  • Face shape.

I can't wait to get this rolling!