Monday, November 7, 2011

An Introduction

   I started wearing makeup when I was about 13 years old. Since then I've picked up tips and techniques to improve my skills. I decided to start a blog because I am frequently asked to do makeup or provide ideas to friends. I figured this would be an easy way for me to share what I know and hopefully give people some awesome ideas. I'm sure most of my posts will be makeup looks done on myself so I'd like to forewarn people that just because it looks good on me, doesn't mean it'll look good on you and vice versa. I'm hoping I can provide helpful hints to modify a look to make it your own.

Things that affect your makeup looks

  • Skin tone. Mine is really yellow so that limits some of the colors I can use (yellows and reds make me look jaundiced).
  • Hair color. I never really thought about how my hair color affected my makeup until I died my hair red. Blonde and brunettes probably won't have much of an issue with this.
  • Eye color. I love to play up my eye color and to manipulate what color they appear. Depending on my eyeshadow choices I can make my eyes appear to be a more deep brown, hazel or green. I don't have a lot of experience with blue eyes but I plan on rectifying that.
  • Eye shape. 
  • Skin type.
  • Face shape.

I can't wait to get this rolling!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the internet.
    HAHA Now you are stuck in the internet!


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