Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pink and Glittery

I ordered some new Sugarpill shadows the other day and they sent me a sample of Magentric with it and OMG I'm madly in love. It also goes perfectly with my recent Urban Decay purchase of their 24/7 liner in Woodstock and my Heavy Metal glitter in Distortion. Here's a quick step by step for the look.

First I coated my lids in Urban Decay's Primer Potion, then I lined my eyes with Urban Decay's 24/7 eyeliner in Woodstock.

Next I went over the liner with Sugarpill's Magentric.

Then I put foundation, blush, eyebrow power and mascara on. I used Covergirl Last Blast Luxe on my upper lashes and Lash Blast Length on the lower lashes.

I completed the look with Urban Decay Heavy Metal Distortion on the corners of my eyes and some Hard Candy Lash Tinsel (color tba).


Honestly these pictures don't do it justice. The pink is really vibrant and shimmery (it's barbie pink with a slight purple shimmer) and the glitter liner sparkles a lot. They've easily become some of my favorite products.

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